Angezündetes Streichholz mit Wasser als Flamme

Market Research & Brand Consulting.

Human behavior is our focus. We shed light on motives, barriers and decisions in key everyday contexts so that these become transparent for our customers. Self-statements, question-and-answer games or unscientific depth psychology leave us cold.

All of our tools help brands continually grow stronger. Brand psychology and marketing research go hand in hand.

Research sometimes serves as a safety belt, sometimes as the idea turbo for products and communication with a wow effect. We respond methodically and flexibly to your specific task. Sometimes only one workshop with our experts is the ideal magic potion that sets everything in motion efficiently.

Angezündetes Streichholz mit Wasser als Flamme

Market Research & Brand Consulting.

Human behavior is our focus. We shed light on motives, barriers and decisions in key everyday contexts so that these become transparent for our customers. Self-statements, question-and-answer games or unscientific depth psychology leave us cold.

All of our tools help brands continually grow stronger. Brand psychology and marketing research go hand in hand.

Research sometimes serves as a safety belt, sometimes as the idea turbo for products and communication with a wow effect. We respond methodically and flexibly to your specific task. Sometimes only one workshop with our experts is the ideal magic potion that sets everything in motion efficiently.

... and consumer psychology.

In our large toolbox, which ranges from traditional focus groups to in-depth explorations, we have a special gem: the K&A Psychodrama®. This playful, highly interactive method, originally developed by Jacob Levy Moreno in the early 20th century as a therapeutic tool, enables us to decode human behaviour in its context, overcome the say-do gap and use it to design creative solutions for more convincing marketing strategies.

K&A BrandResearch is the pioneer in this field and was the first institute worldwide to bring psychodrama to the stage of market research. Since 1989, we have realised over 6500 events for more than 500 brands, in which over 65,000 participants have played the leading roles and produced profound, emotional insights into relevant decision-making contexts.

In K&A Psychodrama®, we bring the everyday life of your target group onto the stage in order to intensively experience what moves their heart and soul in which situations. This special psychodramatic perspective permeates all our tools in market research and brand consulting in order to make brands authentic, lively and relevant.

Method overview of psychological market research at K&A

How K&A advises.

We show ways in how our clients can dramatically increase the physical and mental availability of their brands so that they are particularly likely to become the preferred solution in the respective everyday contexts of their target groups.

In addition, we accompany brand-strategic processes by means of flexible consulting formats, for example:

  • K&A Brand Workshop
  • Trend workshop
  • Positioning workshop
  • Context workshop
  • Implementation support

Quantitative K&A impact and context research.

In addition to psychological insights, brand strategies also need a quantitatively verifiable foundation.

Everything about a brand communicates, whether commercials, sales folders, viral hits, creative packaging designs, sponsoring or touching events. We analyse the communicative performance of individual touchpoints in terms of their effectiveness for the brand. This is less about 'beautiful' advertising that we like and more about powerful brand communication that positively changes decision-making behaviour (B2B and B2C).

Method overview of quantitative image and impact analyses at K&A:

Become a BrandContext-Decoder. Become part of our team! Start your career at K&A with intensive client experiences and a completely different approach to finding solutions.