Context​Thinking® works better.

We help to change perspectives: the focus is on people in their everyday contexts, not on the brand. Because the flood of information is increasing every day – but our brain capacities are not.

Therefore, in a decision-making situation, many people choose the first option that fulfils the intended purpose in this specific context. Or as Byron Sharp puts it: “People are satisficers not optimizers!”

We show how the brand can become a context hero.

Context​Thinking® works better.

We help to change perspectives: the focus is on people in their everyday contexts, not on the brand. Because the flood of information is increasing every day – but our brain capacities are not.

Therefore, in a decision-making situation, many people choose the first option that fulfils the intended purpose in this specific context. Or as Byron Sharp puts it: “People are satisficers not optimizers!”

We show how the brand can become a context hero.

Why brands only touch us in contexts.

The central theme at all levels of marketing and the future marketing of products and services is: relevance.

Relevance arises when consumer needs are addressed, stimulated or satisfied in specific situations. Understanding the motivational drivers that define our actions in everyday situations is the key to efficient marketing strategies. And the key to our school of thought, the Context Thinking® approach.

Marketing today is much concerned with generating insights, optimising the marketing mix and communicating positioning content in a channel-specific and broadly effective way. The fact that specific drivers are at work depending on the context is often overlooked.

A context describes a psychosocial space of everyday situations. It includes the psychological state of the observer as well as questions about the time of the situation (When?), the place (Where?), the action itself (What?), the cause of behaviour (Why?) and the people involved (Who?).

“Thinking about a brand is more important than knowing a lot about it.“

Ralph Ohnemus, CEO K&A BrandResearch

Ralph Ohnemus

Contexts consequently serve different "windows" in our everyday life with our routines: Once such a window is opened, new perspectives and alternative behaviour patterns are possible. Targeting these "context windows" makes it easier to approach customers. At the same time, this approach is more efficient and ultimately more cost-saving.

What context marketing brings to our clients.

Those who deal with their customers' contexts understand more quickly why and how "doors to the consumer" can be opened.

Context marketing is therefore a sharpened approach to the action and reaction of the recipient. The aim of successful context marketing is to determine contexts in such a way that behaviour in these contexts is triggered in exactly the desired direction via the situational environment and stimulating brand communication.

Context marketing takes into account the positioning requirements of the company. With the strong context orientation, an insight-driven approach is intensified and relevance is controlled in the everyday environment. Because what does not play a role in everyday life is irrelevant. And communication that does not stimulate events in everyday life is inefficient and burns the budget!

"An occasion can always serve several contexts."

Uwe Lebok, CMO K&A BrandResearch

Dr. Uwe Lebok

When context research brings the better solutions.

Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands and services to position a USP credibly and long-term with consumers on a factual level.

All the more important: to focus on people with their everyday needs in their everyday contexts. This is what we generate with our market research and all our consulting services derived from it.

"The truth is always determined by the receiver, not the sender.“

Paul Watzlawick

Paul Watzlawick

Our marketing philosophy is always receiver-driven. If you want to inspire people as a brand, you have to understand people in their contexts. This is what K&A BrandResearch does as a brand-context-understanding company!

The three central questions for successful brands today are:

  • What role can a brand play in certain everyday situations (contexts)?
  • What makes a brand incomparably better in contexts than all possible alternatives in such situations?
  • How does a brand succeed in being the best solution for people in certain contexts?

K&A answers these questions in every research and brand consulting process - regardless of whether it is about packaging optimisation, communication impact, psychological insights or brand positioning strategies.

If you only have likes, dislikes and results of other standard queries such as A/B tests in your hands, you are only scratching the surface with such market research.

How brands become more successful through ContextThinking®.

Contexts are the shortcut to the consumer's memory. Those who can clearly place brands with the recipient of brand messages via contexts increase the efficiency in addressing them. And also increases the emotional efficiency (cf. Tory Higgins) of the people addressed: Decisions are then "simply easier"!

We can all observe this in ourselves. We find it easier to choose brands when we buy something to sweeten a positive moment of happiness or a particularly bloody steak for a particularly protein-rich diet. When we simply want to escape the daily stress carousel while falling asleep or book a death care without the emotional weight of a funeral.

There are countless situations in everyday life where Context Thinking® opens doors for decision-making. Successful brand management uses this psychological shortcut mechanism through conscious context strategies!

And successful brand management also succeeds in getting people excited about the brand again and again through small new impulses. Positive brand experience can be strengthened through continuous brand amazement!

Paul Watzlawick


Gewinnen im Infor­ma­tions­tsunami.

Ralph Ohnemus